Monday, October 17, 2016

Keegan Macree ~ Forever In Our Hearts

Keegan Macree

February 19, 2006 - Oct. 7, 2016

“The Irish Terrier is perhaps the finest dog on earth. … He has a heart three sizes too big for his shaggy body; a heart that is as white & clean as that of a knight-errant. He is no bully, but will flinch not one hundredth of an inch from the fight that is forced upon him, be the odds ever so impossible against him. There is a psychic side of the Irish Terrier, too, found in almost no other dog — a touch of the mysticism of the land of his ancestry.”  ~ Albert Payson Terhune

1 comment:

Tammy Comino said...

I have left you now, but please don't be sad,
you gave me all the love you had.
You did so much for me in my time here
and i'll always hold those precious times near.

I know someday you'll find love again
and into your life will come a new friend.
Your heart will heal, though you'll never forget
memories like the first time we met.

Memories are wonderful, so keep them close
and remember all the good times the most.
Up in the Heaven for animals is where i'll be
and someday in the future, each other we'll see.

I am at PEACE now, so please don't be sad
You gave me all the love you had.